Hi Everyone! Julie McIntyre and I are excited to announce the call for our upcoming e-book on teaching developmental science. Please consider contributing. Here's the call and chapter proposal link:
Jessica Cerniak, Editor-in-Chief of STP's e-books, is happy to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming e-book, Engaging, Supporting, and Challenging Students in Developmental Psychology Courses. Consistent with STP's Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity, we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Developmental Psychology is one of the most commonly taught psychology courses nationwide and is offered within a variety of institutional contexts. Given the diversity of students served, as well as the longitudinal lens that must be applied to a substantial breadth of content, developmental courses can be challenging to teach.
The purposes of the volume are to a) help instructors address the many decisions that must be made when teaching a developmental psychology course in the current environment of higher education; b) share innovative assignments, assessments, and practices that facilitate student learning and engagement; and c) document current and emerging practices in developmental psychology in order to support additional pedagogical improvements in for the future.
We seek chapters focused on how faculty teach chronological or topical courses that cover the lifespan as well as specific developmental periods (e.g., infancy, adolescence, adulthood and aging). We're particularly interested in chapters that will discuss:
Broad Questions in Teaching Developmental Psychology
Approaches to Course Design and Structure
Innovative and Engaging Learning Activities
Teaching Diverse Student Populations
Taking Developmental Psychology Outside the Classroom.
Authors will be notified of invitations to submit full chapter drafts by January 15, 2024. Complete first drafts of chapters will be due in June 2024.
STP publishes e-books related to the teaching and learning of psychology. These books are available on the STP website (http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/index.php) and can be downloaded for free.
Karen Brakke
Spelman College