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3-min videos on culture and development 

04-06-2020 18:12

HI Folks,  In case you're looking for short research videos showing cultural aspects of development, here are links to some videos that my team has made for NSF's Video Showcase:

Our new 3-minute video shows the impressive ways that Mexican-heritage children collaborated in a planning task and programming a computer game.  Our video won awards in all 4 categories in NSF's 2019 video contest — most discussed, public choice, presenter choice, and facilitator choice!  It has had over 22,000 views in the past months.
Our 2018 3-minute video for NSF,  “Learning by Helping,” shows the helpfulness of Mexican-heritage children whose families don’t have much schooling. Our video won #3 in NSF's Public Choice voting (out of 214 videos), behind a beautiful Monarch video from the National Park Service and a beautiful owl video from the Smithsonian! It was also the second-most discussed video, and has over 30,000 views so far. 

Our 3-minute video from 2017 focuses on the sophisticated collaboration of Mexican-heritage and Indigenous American children. It was voted #2 out of 171 videos in NSF’s 2017 Video Showcase, and was also the second-most discussed video. It has over 18,000 views. 

Our 3-minute video "Learning by Observing" draws attention to strengths for learning among Indigenous and Mexican-heritage children. It was honored by NSF as the top public vote-getter and a top conversation-generator, of all 156 videos in NSF's 2016 Video Showcase, and has more than 23,000 views.

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