Building an Antiracist Society

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BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers 

06-26-2020 18:39

Originally posted on the Cognitive Development Society Listserv:

Hi all,

As we continue to address the systemic racism in the academy, many instructors in psychology are looking for ways to better serve students of color in their classroom. To help with this effort, as part of last week’s #ShutDownSTEM, I started a crowd-sourced spreadsheet of BIPOC-authored psychology papers. 

The BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet is intended for use by instructors across all areas of psychology, at both the undergraduate and graduate level
. This resource is intended to be a starting point for decolonizing syllabi, not a panacea. When selecting papers from the spreadsheet, instructors are encouraged to think carefully about the voices, topics, and questions that are missing from their classroom. Instructors should consider how to explicitly highlight the achievements and ideas of BIPOC scientists without tokenizing them. 

The database, however, needs YOUR help in order to be most useful. I am asking you to use the form linked below to submit BIPOC-authored psychology papers. You are VERY encouraged to self-submit! However, if you are white, please consider submitting for your BIPOC colleagues and/or collaborators. It only takes a few minutes to submit a paper. After you read this email, I encourage you to take the type to submit at least one paper now, while it’s on your mind.

I will be moderating submissions, so allow a few days for papers to be added. I wanted to get this together quickly, so it is a living document and I am very open to suggestions. Note that the mission of this spreadsheet is narrow: it is intended for psychology instructors to help increase representation of BIPOC scientists and viewpoints in the classroom.

Link to BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet:

Link to submission form:


Erica Wojcik

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