
Mrs. Angela Barnhill


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What is Reflective Essay


A reflective essay is like looking into a mirror: You see yourself, front and back. When you write such an essay, you are in effect, writing about yourself.


A reflective essay is the kind of essay that involves the writer's views and thoughts on a given subject. Such an essay focuses, not just on what the author has learned about a certain subject, but how it has affected them personally.


The above essay from really gives the writer the chance to express themselves as a form of self-assessment; it allows them to address their experiences and what they have learned and gained from such. In some colleges, for example, after taking a course, a student may be asked to write an assessment or a reflective essay about a certain course, what they have learned from such a course, how they have benefitted from it, and how they intend to use what they learn in the future.


The purpose of such an assessment is to allow the writer to speak from their own mind and heart, to express their personal viewpoint or opinion of a certain subject, their beliefs, attitudes, and observations of that particular subject, and how it has either benefitted them or not.


The previous-mentioned essay from is an essay that gives the writer an open forum, as it were, to open up and express their genuine feelings about a certain subject. It is indeed, a reflection, or mirror of the author's true feelings.


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